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4 ways to prepare your guest bed for visitors

Family and friends may not come to stay very often, but when they do, you like to pull out all of the stops to show them a good time. Along with planning relaxing and exciting activities, take a little time before company arrives to check out the guest bed. It’s important that your guests get a good night’s sleep during their stay so they can have enough energy to enjoy all of the fun afternoons you have planned! These four steps will get your guest bed ready in no time.

Make sure the sheets are clean and seasonally appropriate

Obviously, fresh sheets are a must for guests. You’ll also want to check the sheets to make sure they are the right material for the season. Replace winter flannel with lighter and more breathable fabrics to keep your guests cool in the spring and summer.

Stick to quality cotton guest room bedding

Some people love the soft feel of silk; others find the material to be too slippery. Unless you know your guests’ preference beforehand, make the bed with soft cotton sheets, which many people find very comfortable.

Keep spare blankets and pillows nearby

You like to sleep with two pillows underneath your head, but your family and friends might sleep best with one or three pillows. Instead of guessing what guests prefer, keep spare blankets and pillows in a storage trunk at the foot of the bed so family and friends can use them when needed.

Test out the guest bed mattress from time to time

It’s hard to tell whether the guest bed mattress is still supportive when you never sleep on it! As the years go by, sleep in the guest room to test out the mattress from time to time. If you struggle to get into a comfortable position or wake up feeling sore, it’s time for a new mattress.

Help your guests fall into a deep sleep each night and wake feeling refreshed. A comfortable guest room bed is an easy way to give family and friends an even more enjoyable experience.

Mater Bedroom


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