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Mosquito Bite Home Remedies

Mosquito Bite Home Remedies

Summer is coming to an end, and with mosquitoes everywhere we go it can be difficult to always make sure your family is protected from that pesky bug.

Usually a child’s first reaction is to scratch a bug bite right away, and doing so can tend to make the bite bigger, redder, and itchier. With materials you might already have in your cupboard or refrigerator you can help ease that itch and pain in no time, without having to rush to the pharmacy or grocery store to buy medicine.

Here are some home remedies you and your family can try out next time any of you get bitten by these bugs.

  • Use the inside of a banana and rub it on the bite.
  • Open a jar of apple cider vinegar, dunk a q-tip into the vinegar and apply it to the bite.
  • Grab a box of baking soda, pour some in a small bowl and mix it with a bit of water. Make sure it makes a paste then use it to put on your itchy bites.
  • Slice up a lemon and apply it to the affected area.
  • Mix up lavender and tea tree oil, and then apply to the bitten skin.

Hopefully these home remedies will help relieve you and your family’s mosquito bites! Have any of your own clever home remedies? We’d love to hear about them!

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