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Beauty Tricks and Tips for Busy Moms

Beauty Tricks and Tips for Busy Moms

When Moms are busy taking care of children, working, tending to the home, and so much more, basic beauty hygiene can get lost in the shuffle. Here are a few tricks and tips that will easily make you look, and feel, like a billion bucks, without spending it!

Washing your face:

This is the most important beauty tip, use clean water to wash your face three to four times a day. This helps remove all the built up dirt from your face. Don’t forget to wash your face every night before bed, as helps your skin breath.

Eyes looking tired?

If you have cucumbers or potatoes, slice them and put the slices on your eyes for a few minutes, this tends to help with the dark circles. Another trick is to apply eye brightening concealer to cover up those annoying dark circles. To help with your tired and puffy eyes, get a wet tissue and set it on your eyes for 1-2 minutes.

Apply Sunscreen:

Using sunscreen everyday before heading out is very important. The sunscreen helps to protect your skin from the detrimental rays of the sun. Apply sunscreen to your face and body. This will help to protect your skin from getting damaged, and potentially even skin cancer.


Applying a touch of powder can do wonders to your face, and making your skin look flawless!

Vaseline for your eyes?

That’s right, applying some Vaseline to your eyelashes makes them look stronger and longer!


When you have some free time try this beaten egg mask. Beat eggs, then add some drops of honey and lemon. Then apply this mask to your face, and see how it helps illuminate your skin, making you feel and look younger.


Make sure to moisturize every single day. Apply a good moisturizer to your face and hands. Paying a bit more may be well worth it, and your skin will thank you for it too. Or you can make your own moisturizer at home with these two ingredients: add a few drops of lemon into milk cream. Then apply it onto your face and hands.

Add some waves:

If you have medium length or longer hair, you can try this. Right before you head to bed, brush your hair and make a loose bun at the top of your head. When you wake up in the morning take the ponytail off, then brush your hair. Then, proceed to be dazzled by how great you look with wavy hair!


Before going to bed lather up the bottom of your feet with salicylic acid or urea rich lotion or cream. Make sure to massage it it in, this will help your rough dry feet fell and look soft.


Exfoliating is very important and should always be done. Use a good facial scrub to clean your face, neck and hands to helps remove dead skin cells.


Our lips tend to get dry quickly. Applying lip balm or salve to moisten and hydrate the lips make them look and feel better.


We use our hands every single day, touch things like chemicals, dirt, and so on. A great way to take care of your hands is to wash them with water, then clean with a scrubber and apply a good hand cream. Massage in for 5-6 minutes, this will make your hands feel softer over time.


Keeping yourself hydrated and drinking plenty of fluids is very important as it helps remove toxins from our bodies. Drinking 8-10 glasses per day is ideal. It helps you with your digestion, and does wonders for your skin and internal organs.


If you aren’t getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night try to find time to take some a nap during the daytime. Sleep allows us to stay alert, energized and the best mom possible!

We hope these tips and tricks will help all of the other busy moms out there! Make some time to test these out for yourself, and let us know how it goes!

Via: Stylish and Trendy

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