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Learning Shapes with Craft Sticks

Your child’s youngest years are the most crucial time to begin teaching them the basics. This craft will allow your child to have fun building shapes, while simultaneously learning the geometry behind them, such as how many sides they have and their names. Let them do this activity independently, but stick close by to lend a hand if needed. We adapted this post from A, Bee, C, Preschool.

What you will need:
– Colored craft sticks
– Permanent marker
– Colored paper that matches the colors of the craft sticks

Cut a different shape out of each color of paper (square, triangle, octagon, pentagon, etc…)

Divide the craft sticks by color. Coordinate the colored sticks with the colored paper shapes. For example, if the square has been cut out of red paper, have your child build the square out of the red craft sticks. If you have cut the triangle out of green paper, have your child use 3 green sticks to build the triangle and so on.

Write the name of the shape and number of sides on each colored stick.  On the 4 sticks that will be used to build the square, write “Square” and the number.

Mix the sticks together. Let your kid choose a paper shape and then choose the sticks that coordinate with that shape.

And let the fun begin! Have your child count the sides and say the names of the shapes out loud for practice. For later use, you can glue the craft sticks together in their built shapes. You and your child can then practice counting the sides of the shapes and learning their names.

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