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Word Puppies: Good for the Whole Family!

puppy party

Source: Etsy

This vocabulary game is a woofing good time, and helps your little preschooler or kindergartener master new words while reading! I found this exercise on Meddybemps and altered the rules a little, but the provided cut out doghouses and word bones are too cute and perfect for the game, so definitely take a look at those at the bottom of the page!

What You’ll Need:

– Squeaky Dog Toy
– Word Bones (These are the larger bones. I laminated mine and wrote the words in erasable marker so the bones could get multiple uses)
– Bonus Bones (These are smaller bones, I also laminated these too for safe measure!)
– Dog Houses (Optional)
– Word Wall

What better way to start the puppy reading party than the squeak of your plastic bone to get the kids excited! I find this game is a little more fun with a slightly larger group of 3 to 5.

Have the kiddos sit next to their Dog Houses and get ready to start! Pass around the larger Word Bones, these bones have the vocabulary words that are in the story you’re about to read. You can choose any book, or when the kids have specific words to learn, I’ll whip up my own tale to fit the words in.

Before you begin reading, explain that if they hear any of their Word Bones while you’re reading to give a bark. Then begin reading, and as each barks, let them take their word, and add it to the Word Wall to receive a Bonus Bone in their Dog House before continuing the story. Sometimes if they’re older kids, you can have more advanced Word Bones that earn more Bonus Bones. Double the points if they can flip the card down and spell the word too! After the story, the kids can count up their Bonus Bones.

I always have a great time playing this one, and it’s a creative way to encourage reading and learning new words! Have your own vocab game or tried this one? We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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