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Spelling Puzzle Words

If your little one isn’t reading yet but is still interested in how words are formed, this is a great idea from No Time for Flash Cards on to introduce spelling and reading in a fun way. All you need is a few different colored markers and a small jigsaw puzzle you don’t mind writing on the back of.

Complete the puzzle and flip it over to the back. Then divide the puzzle into smaller pieces, breaking them down into three or four letter words that they would be able to put together like: hat, mom, ball, dad, cat, fire, dog.

After breaking down the puzzle, grab the color markers and start writing down the words. If your child is in preschool, using one color marker for each word will make it easier for them to put the words together. You can also write some words with an upper case beginning letter to teach your child about lower and upper case letters. Now you’re all done and its time to spell!

Break up all the pieces, place them in the bowl and let your child start putting together the words by grabbing one color group at a time. If you see them struggling a bit help them with the first letter.

Your children will be sounding out words and reading in no time! As they learn how to spell each word out, break out a new box of puzzles and make the words a little longer. This will help their vocabulary word building and learn while having a good time. I hope this activity will encourage your children to want to learn!

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