Tag Archives | math

Nature By Numbers
Because I’m a math teacher as well as a mom, my friends send me lots of math goodies via social media. Some are neat. Some are annoying. And some are thought provoking. For the most part, they show various number theory concepts that make a math mom think, “I wonder why that works.” This, however, is truly beautiful. Enjoy it yourself. Show it to your kids. And understand a little more about the theory behind Nature by Numbers here. How about you… What are your thoughts on this video? And what other beautiful things have you found that you share with your kids? Contributed by Bon Crowder, math mom and education fanatic, who helps grown-ups see math in their everyday world so they can help their kids have a positive attitude in math. Check out her blog MathFour.com for various articles on math learning. Or head over to That’s Math to see more specific ways to see and say math using everyday things.

Spider Toast!
If your kids like spiders or not, they’ll love this fun 8-legged breakfast treat. Older kids can appreciate the detailed fractions in step 2 also!

Getting the Most from a Math Book
When’s the last time you read a math book? How about even looked closely at one? School’s back in session and soon homework will start to get the better of us all. But the problems should be IN the book. The book shouldn’t BE the problem! Get to Know the Book Get familiar with your child’s math […]

Learning in the Bath
Can kids learn math while taking a bath? If you get a set of bath shapes, or draw shapes on the tub wall, your kids can learn a lot! I use an old set of bath shapes to talk to my kids in the tub. Here’s a whole bunch of the ones I use: Use these […]

Easy Math Game to Combat Boredom (and Challenge Your Child’s Brain)
Do you ever get stuck too long in a waiting room with your kids? Here’s a nifty little game that takes 41 cents and a piece of paper. Supplies: 41 cents – one quarter, one nickel, one dime and one penny Three “spots” – grab a random piece of paper and draw lines to divide it […]

5 Math Phrases to Use in Your Everyday Life
Did you know it’s pretty easy to integrate math words into conversations? Here are 5 math phrases and words along with ways you can use them. Addition – combining the values of two numbers into their sum “The dog is a nice addition to the family. You know, ‘addition’ is a math word – we’re […]

Math with Lego’s
If your child loves Lego’s or Duplo’s this Buggy and Buddy activity is the perfect way to sneak some learning in! Just have your little one complete some simple tasks for you. Make sure all the available Lego’s are ready and at the child’s disposal, then ask them for simple shapes they can form with […]

Recognizing Numbers with Bingo
Put an exciting and educational spin on the classic bingo game! This version of bingo from education.com will help your child practice recognizing numbers and will also put their listening skills to the test. What you’ll need: · Empty oatmeal container · One piece of thin cardboard or thick paper · Scissors · Marker · Paper · Ink dot maker (or marker) […]

Playing Banker
It’s important to teach our children the value of money at a young age, so they grow up to be smart with their earnings. This banking activity is a fun way to teach your young child about the worth of different coins, and is also beneficial for developing simple math skills. What you will need: […]