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Make the Grocery Store Fun with a Scavenger Hunt!

It’s a fact, not all children enjoy going grocery shopping. They tend to get bored quickly and start to fuss. But here’s an easy way to make your next trip to the grocery store more fun for everyone! The trick is to keep the kiddos occupied and helpful while shopping. Every trip to the grocery store can be a fun scavenger hunt!

Below is a list of items you’ll need to make this scavenger hunt a success:
-Printer with ink and paper
-Pen or Pencil
-Laminating Paper (optional)

1. First, find pictures of groceries you have on your list, and then add a very brief item description underneath each picture. Once finished, print (Laminating can also help to make the list a little more child proof.).

3. Attach the pictures and your grocery list to the clipboard.

4. When you get to the grocery store, give your child the clipboard, and go down every aisle while your little one helps pick out the items!

Trips to the grocery store should be fun and easy with children now! They’ll want to go with you every time. Did you try this out? We’d love to hear how it went, leave us a message below!

Via: 3 Boys and a Dog

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