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Word and Name Recognition

Word and Name Recognition

If your child has practiced and mastered the basics of the alphabet, it may be time to put their knowledge to the test. This simple word and name recognition activity adapted from Family Education can be a great way for kids to show what they’ve learned about their ABC’s while having a little fun.

What you will need:
– Index cards
– Marker
– Old magazines
– Photographs of family and friends that your child knows
– Scissors
– Glue


  1. On one set of index cards (how many is up to you) write simple words like dog, cat, fish, and etcetera.
  2. Cut out pictures from magazines that illustrate the words that you have written on the cards and paste them on another set of index cards.  If you cannot find pictures of your chosen words, drawing them works too.
  3. Lay all index cards face up on a table and let your child match each picture to the corresponding word
  4. If you want to try name recognition as well, you can write the names of your child and family members on a set of index cards and match them with their photographs as well.

Once your child has learned all of the simple words you’ve practiced, play the activity with more advanced words.

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